We have to act according to good humane principles that God seeded in all of us. While man is walking at the path of love and goodness and offering a helping hand to all people, he receives graces and blessings from God in his life. Thus, a life principle should be: offer all what you have of love and goodness without waiting for a reward nor aiming at earning anything but to make others happy, hence heaven will be also happy because of you. However, many people do not act according to this concept. They always wait to obtain graces so that they offer their services. They always wait to be happy in order to make others happy to be loved in order to offer theirs. This is only in case they remember to offer any of the above. The result is this matter does not happen according to this way that is invented by man. Whoever knows the secret of true happiness will realize matters will go on the other way of the road. When you offer goodness, you will receive it when you offer love and happiness to whoever you meet, you will feel love and happiness you aspire to have deep inside. There is a principle in this life which is a secret of happiness, this is, to give and help and definitely you will gain more than what you give; with the same measure you use, it will be measured to you.
I witnessed a story that is not real but we might see some of its details on our lives. But first let me ask you how many times have you looked up to heaven and asked “Why all these trouble matters happen to me?”
Many people have set God, far be it from Him, as a reason of their unhappiness and pain. The story says that one day in somewhere at a faraway land. Rain ceased to fall for long years till it caused drought that affected the life of the villagers and they became unable to sow the land as it turned to a barren land same like a desert!
The only source of water for the people of this village was digging wells. One of the villagers owned a farm he inherited from his grandparents. Out of these tough conditions, he decided to sell his farm and move from this village. However, this troubled him so much as he wished he could stay at his village with his childhood friends and the memories of his family even if they departed. One day when he was speaking to his friend about the urge to sell his farm at the end of the month to pay his debts, he was so angry at God, glory be to His name, saying that He was mainly responsible for the starvation and drought they suffered from.
Life goes on, an angel prepared to the villagers telling them about God’s love and perpetual goodness, making them recall many situations in which God’s hands have supported them. The man thought for a while, then he prayed to God to let rain fall and save his village. The angel’s answer was rejection. The man was so desperate and helpless. However, another wondrous matter has happened, one of the villagers made a part to thank God for all the goodness He did to them along their life journey. At the party, all the villagers decided to collect donations for their indebted friend. Indeed, all the villagers donated money or possessions amid great love. Amid this love and goodness that surrounded all people, heaven sent her drops of rain till it rained heavily carrying the message of goodness to those who decided to have love and goodness in their way of life.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center