To set a goal in your life that you seek to achieve is one of the basic life rules that makes some people more distinguished than the rest. Adopting deep perspective and having abroad mind is another distinguished quality you can adopt. They say, “If you are searching for pearls, you have to dive more deeply as there is nothing on the shore, but the sea foam”.
The same applies to anyone seeking to lead a valuable life. He has to dig deeply and sail to the depths of the sea to find the rare pearls that would illuminate not only his life, but others’ as well.
Depth involves many aspects:
“Deep Thinking”
The ability to think deeply, reflect on matters, organize ideas and analyze them distinguishes humans from other creatures. Man is gifted with the talent of solving the problems he faces rationally. A deep thinker is capable of distinguishing between shallow and deep perspectives, fake and real ideas. Thus, no one can ever deceive him. Moreover, he is flexible and able to adopt various perspectives to overcome his problems without having to compromise his moral principles.
Shallow thinkers would only try to overcome the pain of the hardship they go through without trying to solve the problem itself. For Instance, a person who resorts to justification whenever he makes a mistake is considered a shallow thinker. Life will keep hitting him by its problems and he will never learn how to solve them. To be a deep thinker, you need to improve your intellectuality through good resources of knowledge as well as to reflect on the different aspects of your life and facing your problems not evading them. Face the challenges that life imposes and the duties that you have to carry out with bravery. Einstein, one of the greatest scientists in the world, says, “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”Indeed, reaching deep levels of thinking needs time. Let me ask you, how much time are you dedicating to build your intellectual abilities? Do not forget that your broad mind and deep thinking would help the society to progress.
Another depth man needs to reach in his life is …to be continued
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center