After tomorrow, Christians in the four corners of the world celebrate Resurrection. Upon tackling resurrection, we delve deep into the beautiful, everlasting life which every man will enjoy. This is the final stage which we reach at the end of our earthly life. Thus, it is the true goal every person should set and that around which the rest of his goals revolve.
True, man has to set goals for his earthly life. Yet, these goals should not oppose his eternity. Rather, they should lead to it. For instance, there is no conflict between man’s success and achievements on earth and his happiness in eternity. Yet, he has to make sure which things he want to succeed at and how.
Likewise, man has to interrogate himself: Where do I stand in fulfilling God’s commandments: love, mercy, and justice? How can I answer God about my deeds, the potential He has given me, and every moment of my life? Life is man’s greatest responsibility. He has to choose which principles he wishes to abide by and the ways he will use. Resurrection will demonstrate the results of these tests. In effect, do not seek the temporary and lose the eternal. Make the freedom which God has granted you your top priority.
Here, I recall the story of young Phillip who spent most of his life in sickness. Knowing he would not live for a long time, he decided that he will depart one day, crossing the bridge of death to an eternal life void of pain and tears. This filled him with joy and rest. Though ill, he strove to make others happy, offering them whatever good he could. On the Sunday preceding Easter, a gathering supervisor gave each person a small box, asking each to put something expressive of life inside it and bring it on the following week during Easter celebration.
On the following week, each young man and lady opened their boxes to see the symbols of life. Someone put a rose, another a butterfly, a third a beautiful piece of art, and so on. When Phillip’s turn came, he showed an empty box. When everybody got amazed, he said that the empty box stands for Christ’s empty tomb: for He is risen. Here abides the meaning of life in resurrection. Shortly afterwards, Phillip departed. His friends marched after him, carrying his empty box, only to declare their friend’s departure to a better life.
We beseech God to comfort the families of the martyrs of St. George Church, Tanta, and St. Mark Church, Alexandria, and preserve Egypt in peace and safety.
General Bishop
Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center